Admitting that allegations of bribes in the Rs 3,600 crore VVIP chopper deal and killings of Kerala fishermen had affected relationship between his country and India, Italian Ambasador to India Daniele Mancini tonight expressed confidence that once these issues were solved there would be positive rebound in relationships.
Replying to a specific question on country to country relationships, Mancini told reporters that there was no need to go too much specific on these issue.
"I don't think we need to go too much specific on these issue. The marine issue has affected the institutional relationship between two countries. I am confident that once these issue are resolved, there would be significant and positive rebound (in relationship)," Mancini said.
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Mancini was here to address a meeting on "India and Italy, Emerging Opportunities" organised by local chapter of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Indo-Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
To a question on exploring the possibility of bringing in a delegation to Coimbatore for setting up industries, he said Italy was keen on starting new industries in tier two cities and niche areas and Coimbatore was one among them.
On increasing bilateral trade, Mancini said the trade was badly hit during recession period some five years ago and Italy was making efforts to increase it.
He also invited industries and entrepreneurs to invest in Italy, saying Indian investments in that country was only one-tenth of what Italy had invested in India.