Following are the wholesale rates
of foodgrains as quoted by the Posta Bazar Merchants' Association in Kolkata (rates in Rs. Per quintal, unless stated otherwise):
Pulses: Moong Dal 9200-9700, Masoor Dal 6600-10500, Gram Dal 6000-6500, Gatar Dal 5600-6000, Mator Dal 3000-3400, Urad Dal 11500-13000, Moth Dal 7700-8000, Arhar Dal 13000-16000.
Also Read
Whole Grains: Gram 4800-6200, Moong 7100-7700, Masoor 5900-7950, Arhar 9300-9500, Mator 2700-3200, Urad 9800-10000, Moth 7400-8000, Jau (Barley) 1700-2200, Jawar 1800-2200, Bajra 1700-2000, Makai 1600-2200, Popcorn 3400-3800.
Atta 1990-2020, Maida 2020-2040, Suji 2050-2080, Mator Besan 3160-3180(per quintal), Salt 160-270, (all 50 kg packet), Salt(Loose-50 kg) 150-220.
Rice: Coarse 2100-2500, Minikit 3300-3600, Govind Bhog 5800-6300, Dehradun 5600-7800.
Sugar: Large(30) 3600, Medium(30) 3280-3330, Small(30) 3160-3180.