Former Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister P K Dhumal today accused the state government of wreaking political agenda and said the Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau were repeatedly sending "questionnaire" to him about his properties inspite of the fact that he had already submitted the details.
The Vigilance Bureau has instituted an enquiry on the basis of a complaint but inspite of repeated requests, the copy of the complaint was not being provided to him, Dhumal claimed, adding the complaint was filed by advocate Vinay Sharma, who had been given the post of Deputy Advocate General in the state government.
Dhumal further claimed that the complainant had neither given any proof nor any affidavitin support of the accusations made by him and wondered how such a complaint could be entertained.
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Dhumal said he had sent the details of properties in response to the Vigilance Bureau's letter in writing on May 7, but the Bureau has again sent him anotherletter, seeking the same information.
He said a similar complaint was filed against him in Lokayukta in 2009 by an IPS officer, but after probe, the Lokayukta had closed the matter.
He re-iterated his demand for a CBI probe into the complaint and in case any property which had not already been declared by him was found to be seized by the government.