Former Mumbai police commissioner Satyapal Singh, who had resigned last week, today joined BJP saying he left a "good chair" to take part in the "remaking" of the country.
Singh, who is from western UP and tipped to contest Lok Sabha election, said there was a need to back Narendra Modi to bring about a change in the nation.
"We should be with Modi to change society," he said in his brief address.
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Recalling that 1857 revolution against the British rule had started from the city, Singh said only 90 days are left for the "new revolution", referring to the impending elections.
In an attempt to justify his switch to politics, he recited lines from a famous poem and said those staying "neutral" will be judged adversely by the history as there was a need to take sides in this battle for change.
"I have held many important posts. I have seen at close quarters the cloud of dangers hovering over the county all these years. We should help Modi," he said.