All India Forward Bloc today condemned the attack on its senior leader and former minister Naren Dey allegedly by Trinamool Congress workers during a party meeting on December 8 in West Bengal, alleging the state's ruling party was "butchering democratic traditions".
"This incident shows once again the deteriorating condition of law and order in the state of West Bengal. TMC is not allowing the opposition parties to work and butchering all democratic traditions of the state.
"If a party cannot hold its meeting at its own office, how can the common men can expect justice from the government and the police"? said Forward Bloc General Secretary Debabrata Biswas in a press statement here.
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"Dey had received serious injuries and his both eyes were damaged while his right arm was fractured. He is undergoing treatment at a hospital in Kolkata," said Biswas.
"Hundreds of comrades of Left parties have lost their lives due to these attacks. The TMC leaders and workers are openly challenging the social harmony and destroying the culture of West Bengal", alleged Biswas.