Additional Sessions Judge S S Panessar held Anil Jain alias Mickki Jain, Tarsem Singh alias Boni, Kuldip Singh alias Neelu and Kuldip Singh guilty in the case and pronounced the verdict on them.
The verdict came seven-and-a-half-years after the gruesome murder of Reema Jain, a business woman.
According to the prosecution sources, Reema Jain had left her home for Sutlej club for morning exercise on July 29, 2005.
She was kidnapped and taken to the factory of her husband's elder brother Mickki Jain where she was forcibly made to sign certain property documents and killed by Jain and his accomplices.
Later, the body was thrown into the sceptic tank of the factory.
Her body was recovered in a highly decomposed state from the tank by the police after almost one year.
Samples of DNA from the remnants of the body were matched with the DNA of her mother to establish her identity.