The new judges -- justices Shiv Kirti Singh, Sushil Harkauli, Laxmi Kanta Mohapatra and Tarun Agarwala -- who were transferred here from other High Courts, were administered the oath of office by Acting Chief Justice Amitava Lala.
Justice Singh, who is now the senior-most judge here after Acting Chief Justice Amitava Lala, was transferred from Patna High Court where he was elevated to the Bench in 1998 after a nearly three-decade long legal practice.
He had served as an Acting Chief Justice there thrice.
Justice Harkauli, who was Acting Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh High Court before taking up his new assignement, had started his legal career as an advocate at the Allahabad High Court where he became a judge in 1999.
He was transferred to Jharkhand High Court in 2009 where he served as the Acting Chief Justice for three months in 2010. He was later transferred to Madhya Pradesh High Court in 2011.
Justice Mohapatra was a judge at the Orissa High Court where he was elevated to the bench in 1999 after having practiced law for close to three decades.
Justice Agarwala started his legal career as an advocate at the Allahabad High Court in 1981 where he was elevated to the bench in 2004. In 2009, he was transferred to Uttarakhand High Court where he also served as the Acting Chief Justice for some time.