The Uttar Pradesh Police today said four teams had been deployed to work out the murder of BJP leader Vijay Pandit who was shot dead by four persons in Gautam Buddha Nagar district.
"Four teams of the local police station, crime branch, Special Task Force and SSP Bulandshahr have been deployed to work out the case," IGP (Law and Order) Amrendra Sengar told reporters here.
Though no arrests had been effected so far, the case was expected to be worked out soon, he said.
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"Several people are being called for questioning after which they are allowed to go," Sengar said.
Protests in Noida and Dadri were held today for which adequate police were deployed, he said.
"Both the agitational programmes passed off peacefully," the IGP said.
Pandit, husband of Dadri Nagar Panchayat chairperson Geeta, was shot dead by four persons in Dadri Saturday night.
Furious over the murder, Pandit's supporters torched 16 vehicles and pelted stones at a police team. Police fired in the air to restore calm.
Four persons were yesterday detained for questioning in connection with Pandit's murder.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav had directed concerned authorities to work out the case at the earliest.
He had also said any person found guilty would not be spared.