Non-banking financial company Fullerton India Credit today said it will open six more outlets in Tamil Nadu, taking the total units to 66.
It had set up two new branches -- one each in Villupuram and Palayamkottai districts -- and proposed to open branches in Mayiladuthurai, Thiruvarur, Kumbakonam and Pudukottai districts by the first half of 2016, a company statement said.
"Our plan is to expand operations in Tamil Nadu is in line with our objective to reach last mile and provide financial assistance to underserved segments of the State", Fullerton India, Executive Vice President and Head of Business, Rakesh Makkar said.
As of December 31, 2015, Fullerton India Credit Company has managed assets of Rs 10,585.70 crore. It serves 13.51 lakh customers through 445 branches, it said.