The 22-year old medical student from Kerala who was kidnapped and gangraped at nearby Manipal more than a week ago was in a "state of trauma" and not in a position to speak about the incident now, chief of Kerala women's Commission K C Rosakutty said today.
The victim and her family were reluctant to meet her and other two members, advocate Rubina Rashid and Dr Tulasi, Rosakutty told PTI over phone. "The victim is in a state of trauma and reluctant to meet us," she said.
The doctors said the victim would be discharged from the hospital in next three days, Rosakutty said.
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Rosakutty said she met IGP (Western Range) Pratap Reddy and discussed the case. "Reddy raised the concern about the victim's reluctance to speak to police to prove the crime committed by the three accused. I hope the girl speaks up, but for now she is probably not opening up due to mental depression," she said.
She, however, said she was satisfied with the investigation of the police to nab the accused.
The girl was kidnapped and gangraped by three men in an autorickshaw on late June 20 night. Police on Thursday arrested the three accused, of whom two attempted suicide and are recuperating in hospital.
Hariprasad Poojary, another accused, has been sent to five-day police custody by a district court.