: Madras High Court Bench today directed the Government Advocate to get instructions from the Secretary and Controller of Examinations of Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission on two petitions, seeking to quash TNPSC's result for oral test, published for the Combined Engineering Service Examination (2009-10 to 2012-13), on July 7 this year.
Admitting petitions of two candidates, who contended that there were discrepancies in the two lists published, Justice K K Sasidharan directed the government advocates to get instructions from TNPSC on the charge.
Petitioners M Senthilkumar and R Elangovan,both Scheduled Castes, submitted they were among 652 candidates selected in a written exam and were asked to upload certificates in support of their claims. The results were published on Oct 4 2013.
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However another result was published on Jan 30 2014. Their number was in the second list also which carried 454 numbers.
Contending that there were discrepancies between the two lists, they said they had pointed them out and also filed a complaint in this regard.
But the Controller of examination said the amended list (second one) was of candidates provisionally admitted for certificate verification and those whose names were in the list could send certificates by post and by uploading them.
The controller also said there were changes in eligibility status of 30 candidates due to which their provisional selection had been cancelled. But he failed to furnish details of the cancellation, the candidates submitted.
Though originally 652 candidates were selected, only 454 were called for oral test.While the earlier list was drawn at the ratio of 1:3,for certificate verification,the second list was drawn without any ratio, they submitted.
The register numbers of six candidates not found in the two exam result lists had been called for certificate verification/oral test.Five persons whose names were not in the first list were also called for oral test and certificate verification, they said.
The Petitioners contended that they should have been called for oral test as their names were in the two lists.
They prayed for a stay on the oral tests to be held on July 22, 25 and 28 and a direction to TNPSC to publish the results afresh, including their numbers (for oral test), call them for oral test and consider them for appointment.