Giving them a glimpse of a better life, a national NGO took children of the city's minority pocket, including girls, to 'Dream camps', away from the grime and sweat of their daily existence.
Children from Calcutta Muslim Orphanage (Boys/Girls) were among those taken by the volunteers to the camps to take part in activities ranging from Premiere League 5-a side football matches to cricket tournament.
Volunteers of Make A Difference (MAD) took 120 children belonging to four different shelter homes in the city for the Dream Camp.
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The Dream Camp is one out of MAD's four child-centric projects to provide the kids with an all time holistic experience. It is a three-day outbound activity that creates a platform for the children to dream about their future goals.
With the Nirbhaya incident and daily accounts of abuses of women hogging the pages and TV screens, the tiny tots of Boys' Orphanage staged a skit about sexual abuse of girls driving home the message.
The children, formed into teams and asked to come up with a skit highlighting burning social issues, did it on their own with little mentoring by the volunteers of MAD, the NGO spread across 23 cities including Kolkata.
The third such camp of MAD's Kolkata chapter was organised at Kashi Vishwanath Seva Samity where the kids were brought from several shelter homes.
"Our motto remains that even the most vulnerable children in society should be able to realise equitable outcomes," a spokesperson said.