Taking note of repeated glitches at the National Stock Exchange (NSE), Sebi chief Ajay Tyagi on Wednesday said the issue needs to be fixed and that the regulator will have discussion with the bourse.
Speaking to reporters here, he also said the regulator has also approved appointment of two public interest directors at the exchange about 8-10 days ago.
According to him, two more names for public interest directors were received last week and that the process would be expedited.
"We are examining whether the six-month period (on the Sebi order barring the NSE from accessing capital markets) because some parts of the order they have challenged," the Sebi chief said after its board meeting here.
When asked about glitches at the NSE platform, Tyagi said it was repeatedly happening.
"We will call them (NSE). This is something which should not happen. We will call them very soon. I saw an article today (Wednesday) also there was a technical glitch yesterday, so we will call them. This cannot be... we will fix it," he noted.
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The NSE is the country's largest stock exchange.
There have been instances of the exchange grappling with technical glitches.
"We have had discussions on proxy advisory firms and will discuss more in the next board meet," he said.
Meanwhile, Tyagi said the regulator is looking at the issue of who is a promoter and would provide more clarity on the issue.