Women and Child Development Minister Krishna Tirath said that a proposal in this regard would be brought soon in the Union Cabinet and it would be in line with the Centre's Rajiv Gandhi Scheme For Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG).
The Government believes that such an education is necessary for boys during their significant phase of transition from childhood to adulthood to position themselves in this phase of life.
After attending a meeting of women MPs in the chamber of Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar, Tirath expressed hope that such a scheme--Rajiv Gandhi Scheme For Empowerment of Adolescent Boys-- targeting boys aged between 11 and 18 would help bring down the crime against women in the country.
"It is aimed at changing mindset of men. In the male dominated society such incidents are taking place frequently. So awareness programme should start at adolescent age. It is to ensure the character building of boys so that they respect women-- be it mother or sister," she said.
On the question of awarding death penalty to rapists, the Minister said a Bill amending rape laws suggesting a maximum of life imprisonment for the guilty is pending in Parliament and if the MPs, the Government will think over it and if women MPs demand death penalty for culprits, it was willing to incorporate it in the legislation.
Condemning the brutal gang-rape incident, the Minister said she would write to the Prime Minister requesting him to spend money from the Prime Minister's Relief Fund for the treatment of the victim.