Gujarat Chief Electoral Officer today asked the district collector to submit a report on whether yoga guru Ramdev violated the Model Code of Conduct by making political comments during a religious function here as alleged by an RTI activist.
"I have asked the collector to submit a report. We will take appropriate action after verifying the claims made in the complaint," CEO Anita Karwal told reporters in Gandhinagar.
City-based RTI activist Kanu Sukhadia had lodged a complaint with Navsari collector against Ramdev on March 6 for allegedly making political comments during a religious function.
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"On March 3, I had informed the district collector to keep a watch on the function and stop it from becoming a political event as poll code is in effect. But, Ramdev made several political comments and openly asked people to support BJP in elections," Sukhadia said.
Sukhadia said he recorded Ramdev's speech and the entire event and lodged complaint with collector on March 6.
The CEO has now asked the collector to submit a report in this regard.