Gujarat BJP will celebrate the birthday of the late Bharatiya Jana Sangh leader Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay on September 25 as 'Antyoday Diwas', aiming to reach out to the marginalised sections of society.
As part of the celebrations, which will be held at district and city level across the state on Thursday, the party will carry out a 'Jan Sampark Abhiyan' (mass contact drive). People will be informed about the work done by the central government during in its first 100 days of power, state BJP spokesperson I K Jadeja said in a statement today.
"Pandit Deendayaljee always worked for the upliftment of the last man on the last line in the society. Gujarat BJP has decided to celebrate his birthday as 'Antyoday Diwas'," he said.
Through the campaign, BJP workers will connect with people and tell them about the work done by the Narendra Modi government for the betterment of people in the last 100 days, he added.