Gujarat government has asked top police officials to crack the whip on betting in any sport following the arrest of former cricketer-turned-bookie Amit Singh in connection with IPL spot-fixing scandal and another bookie from the state.
"We have instructed Police Commissioners and Superintendents in the state to collect evidence against those involved in betting in any sport or are in any form of gambling," Additional Chief Secretary (Home) S K Nanda told PTI.
The move comes close on the heels of reports that several bookies caught in the IPL spot-fixing scandal have links in Gujarat and some of them were reportedly operating from the state.
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Singh was apprehended last Thursday by Delhi Police for allegedly offering money to disgraced speedster S Sreesanth and his Rajasthan Royals teammates-- Ajit Chandila and Ankeet Chavan--for spot fixing on the directions of bookies.
Another bookie Manan Bhatt was also held from the state following the arrest of the RR players and Amit Singh.
"The government has asked police to act tough and collect strong evidences against bookies and those who accept bets", Nanda added.