Gujarat Revenue Minister Anandi Patel's husband Mafat, who was to join Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) state unit today after its spectacular debut in Delhi, has now changed his mind after consulting family.
"I was to join AAP today. But after discussions with my family members, I have decided not to join the party now. I deferred the decision," Mafat Patel told PTI.
He, however, did not clarify whether he would join the party at a later date.
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The 76-year-old leader, who is estranged from his wife and lives separately for the last 20 years, and was a BJP member in the 1990s, said that national parties like BJP and Congress have no longer represent the common man.
"BJP and Congress have no longer remained common man's parties. They don't think of the common man. They are only concerned with power and are least worried about serving people," he said.
Riding on an anti-corruption plank, AAP won 28 of the 70 Assembly seats in Delhi and formed a government in the national capital with outside support of Congress.
Anandi Patel is the among the senior-most minister in Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi's cabinet.