Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani today asked top police officers to remain alert to thwart terror attacks, and stressed the need to strengthen intelligence network to keep a tab on "sleeper cells" helping terrorists.
Addressing top IPS officers at a conference in Gandhinagar, Rupani also put emphasis on improving the image of the police department and asked the officers to focus on providing safety and security to the downtrodden, said Minister of State for Home Pradeepsinh Jadeja.
"Gujarat has a 1,600 km long coastline. In addition, we are a prosperous state. So the Chief Minister suggested that the police department should strengthen the intelligence network in order to thwart any possible terror attack as well as to keep a check on sleeper cells helping terrorists," he said after the meeting.
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According to an official release, Rupani also said the government's image in the society is based on how people perceive the functioning of police, and there is a need to build "citizen-friendly" image of police through transparency and sensitive approach.
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