Gujarat Chief Minister Anandiben Patel today welcomed Prime Minister Narendra Modi's decision to hike states' share in central taxes, by 10 per cent from 32 per cent to 42 per cent.
"The decision with far-reaching consequences would make progressive states like Gujarat stronger in their march towards progress," Patel said.
"By accepting the 14th Finance Commission's recommendations, Modi has strengthened co-operative federalism enabling state governments greater participation in the process of planning and development instead of following the Centre's age-old practice of its trying to prove its supremacy over states in Centre-state relations," Patel said.
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The Prime Minister's initiative of constituting NITI Ayog in lieu of the Planning Commission and inclusion of chief ministers of different states to promote centre-state relations is an welcome step, she said.
In its first meeting, NITI Ayog Gujarat had suggested increasing states' share in central taxes, she said.
She exuded confidence that these slew of decisions would empower states to develop and contribute to the nation's development.