Leader of Opposition in Delhi Assembly Vijender Gupta has alleged "diversion" of a part of a welfare fund by AAP government, which were meant for workers employed in construction and other sectors and sought Lt Governor Najeeb Jung's intervention in the case.
In a meeting with Jung today, the senior Delhi BJP leader alleged that Rs 1,150 crores out of 1,700 crores of cess fund, contributed by construction and other workers since 2002, have been "illegally diverted" for construction of schools, hospitals, Aam Admi canteens, Anganwadi centres and temporary accommodations.
"The 29th board meeting of the Delhi Building and Other Construction Workers Board, held on June 2, decided to divert the cess fund totaling Rs 1,150 crore for construction of schools, hospitals, canteens, Anganwadis and temporary accommodation," Gupta alleged in a statement.
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The diversion of funds is "illegal and unauthorised" as it is a clear "violation" of the Building and Other Construction Workers Act, 1996, he claimed.
As per a recent audit by the Delhi Building and Other Construction Workers Board, it had received Rs 1,860.88 crore as cess up to August, 2015, he claimed.
"It is regrettable that out of this amount only Rs 55.25 crore has been utilised on welfare schemes, which comes to just 3.16 percent of the total fund," he said.