With Harish Rawat having clinched the numbers game in Uttarakhand Assembly floor test today, BJP alleged that he has tried to "buy" majority and claimed that people will teach him a lesson in the elections.
BJP cited recent sting operations to accuse Rawat of "bribing" legislators and also referred to the switching over of one Congress MLA today to the BJP camp to say that what happened in the state was caused by crisis within Congress.
"Congress wanted to run the government without having the support of a majority of MLAs. As many as 10 MLAs, including nine rebels, have left it. Rawat has used the loot of state resources to bribe MLAs. He will not get the people's trust. They will teach him a lesson in the Assembly election," BJP national secretary Shrikant Sharma said following the test.
The Supreme Court is scheduled to pronounce a decision tomorrow after the floor test held in the Assembly following its order. Congress has already begun celebrating with Rawat thanking MLAs for their support.