The seminar, organised in collaboration with Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA), was held to create awareness about the significance of adoption and foster care of orphan, abandoned and surrendered children, Sumita Misra, Director General of state WCD said today.
She said this initiative was taken to sensitise state level officers working for Integrated Child Protection Scheme, Child Welfare Committee Members, District Child Protection Officers and Protection Officers Non-Institution Care from all 21 districts of Haryana about various aspects involved in the process of adoption.
C Saraswathi, Deputy Director CARA, Vinita Jha, Assistant Director CARA, Prasanta Kunango and Sam Paul, consultants from CARA briefed the officials about adoption of abandoned and surrendered children and adoption under Juvenile Justice Act with regard to child welfare committee, she said.
Besides this, child care standards and services in adoption home, adoption guidelines and transparency in the adoption process were also discussed, she said.
Misra said CARA is an autonomous body working under the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development. It functions as the nodal body for adoption of Indian children and is mandated to monitor in-country and inter-country adoptions.
She said all existing Child Care Institutions housing orphan, abandoned and surrendered children were required to get registered with the state government and apply for recognition as Special Adoption Agency (SAA) as per provisions of the Juvenile Justice Act.
She said this orientation programme was organised after culmination of almost a month-long sensitisation programme on registration of child care homes and women shelter homes in which 12 workshops were held across the state for district level officers of WCD.