Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda today said that the Crime Criminal Information System and Common Integrated Police Application have been implemented in all the police stations in the state.
Besides, POLNET (police network device) has been installed in the state police headquarters and 18 districts, he said at a meeting of the Northern Zonal Council here.
Crime and Criminal Tracking Network System (CCTNS) is also being introduced in the state, he said.
To effectively handle corruption cases, the government has established five Vigilance Police Stations at Panchkula, Ambala, Gurgaon, Rohtak and Hisar, he said, adding such police stations were being considered for Karnal and Faridabad.
To ensure speedy trial of cases of prevention of crime, the state government has designated all courts of Sessions Judges and Additional Sessions Judges in the state as 'Special Courts' for trial of offences under the Prevention of Corruption Act, he said.
The state government has also taken several steps to eradicate human trafficking and a public notice for registration of various Homes for Women under the Act has also been issued.
Instructions have been issued to all Deputy Commissioners to carry out surveys and register all child care institutions. and the Science and Technology Department has been asked to create a data base in regard to the Children Homes, for securing biometric data of each and every inmate.