The Delhi High Court today asked CBI to submit its self-contained note on the issue of alleged photo morphing of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Najma Heptulla in a book published on the country's first education minister.
Justice Vibhu Bakhru asked the probe agency to give its note after the petitioner's counsel opposed CBI's reply that the allegation against Union minister Heptulla could not be "substantiated" due to lack of sufficient evidence.
"Respondent (CBI) is directed to produce the self contained note in a seal cover for perusal of the court on the next date of hearing," the court said.
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The court has now fixed the matter for further hearing on January 16, 2015.
Self-contained note refers to something that is complete on its own and that does not need anything else.
The court also said that the agency should inform it as to how it has reached the conclusion that there is no evidence in the matter.
It, however, said that that it is only interested in the procedure the agency has followed and was it in accordance with law.
Yesterday, CBI in its reply had said that it has sent the note to the department for taking such action as deemed fit in the matter.
"The allegation of photo morphing was enquired into during the preliminary enquiry (PE)... During the course of enquiry, witnesses were examined and documents were collected.
"However, after the enquiry, CBI was of the view that the allegation of photo morphing could not be substantiated as there was no sufficient incriminating admissible evidence for prosecution," the status report filed by CBI's standing counsel R V Sinha has said.
The court was hearing a plea filed by Azad's grandnephew Firoz Bakht Ahmed, who alleged that the morphing was done at the instance of Heptulla when she was heading ICCR.