The Madras High Court today commended Tamil Nadu government for its prompt response to its order to enforce the mandatory helmet rule for two-wheeler and pillion riders from July 1.
As directed by Justice N Kirubakaran on June 8, the state government issued advertisements in several newspapers today to spread awareness about the issue.
As for the court's direction to the Centre to issue necessary circulars, Additional Solicitor-General of India G Rajagopal sought four weeks to furnish a reply.
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The judge had earlier warned that the Home Secretary and the DGP would have to personally appear in court if government failed to give wide publicity to the issue by June 18.
"This court appreciates the speedy compliance of the order by the government. However, sensitisation of the public requires more attention."
"Government is required to make publication setting out benefits of wearing helmet by the rider and pillion rider and also the evil consequences of non-wearing of helmet including fatal accidents, through visual as well as print media so that the public would be made aware of the consequences in a better manner," Justice Kirubakaran said in his order today.
The judge also pointed out that violation of Section 3 and 4 of the Motor Vehicles Act provided for imprisonment for a term upto three months, or upto Rs 500 fine, or both.