Madras High Court today directed the Commissioner of Police to permit the Chennai-North District DMK to hold demonstration on August 17 in front of the 'Mariam Marriage Hall' at K.H. Road in Korukkupet here.
Justice M.M. Sundresh, before whom the petition filed by A.T. Mani, Secretary, R.K. Nagar West Division-DMK, (Chennai-North DMK District), in his order, said the writ petition stands disposed of with a direction to Commissioner of Police, Greater Chennai to permit the petitioner to conduct the demonstration on August 17 between 11.30 AM to 12.30 PM subject to the other conditions as imposed by police.
The judge also permitted the party to put up temporary shamiana for the period without any disturbance to general public for both ingress and egress.The judge also made it clear that after the demonstration was over, it will have to be removed.
Also Read
The DMK decided to stage a demonstration with regard to a railway overbridge project at Korukupet, initiated by the previous DMK Government.
They alleged that the above project was abandoned by the present AIADMK government out of political vendetta.
It sought permission from police to hold the demonstration but as there was no reply,they filed the present plea.