The Madras High Court today directed the Court Registrar General to restrict the audience and provide adequate security in and outside the court hall during the hearing of suo motu contempt proceedings against Madurai Bar Association President P Dharmaraj and Secretary A K Ramasamy on September 16.
The two members had staged protests against a court order making wearing of helmets mandatory for two-wheeler riders and the court had initiated suo motu contempt proceedings.
"...The legal issue has to be decided only as per law, by advancing proper arguments by the concerned parties themselves or through their counsel. However it came to notice that people are being brought to the court in buses during the proceedings.."
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The bench directed the Registrar General to take immediate steps to prevent such illegal activities by restricting the audience in the Court Hall as it would be in-camera proceedings, since it relates improper conduct of certain advocates.
Proper Security arrangements shall be made in the entire court campus to prevent loss to the public property, the bench said.
It further said "the contemnors who are advocates are not entitled to appear before the bench with robes and if it is violated the action will be taken in accordance with law.