The Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court today directed the Teachers' Recruitment Board and the Education Secretary to file their counter on a plea seeking to quash the TRB's Advertisement to recruit 827 Computer Instructors for classes 11 and 12 on the basis of adhoc rules for vocational instructors.
Justice M Venugopal directed the officials to file their reply by December 8, admitting a petition filed by two candidates S Shobana and L Deepa.
The petitioners said as per the advertisement, the qualfication prescribed for recruitment of computer instructors for classes 11 and 12 was B.Ed along with B.E (computerscience), BCA or B.Sc (computer science)or Bsc (information Technology.
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But in the Academic Stream of Plus Computer Science had been introduced as an "Optional Subject" Equivalent to academic subjects like Biology, Bio-Chemistry and History.
Computer science was no more under Vocational Stream and had become an academic subject in all the groups except in Group IIA consisting of Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology.
As Computer science was an academic subject the posts of Computer Instructor should be filled in accordance with the qualification prescribed for Post Graduate Assistants in Academic subjects. The TRB could not fix lesser qualification to fill the posts.The adhoc rules were applicable only for Vocational instructors for computer science,and could not be applied for appointment of computer instructors to teach computer science as an academic subject under the main stream for Standards XI and XII, the petitioners contended.
The court should direct the TRB to fill up the posts for computer science as per the qualification prescribed to the posts for Post Graduate Assistants in academic subjects under special rules of the Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary Educational Service under Government order issed on April 28,1981, the petitioners contended.