The Madras High Court bench here Monday directed the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission to publish the reserve list of candidates who had applied for various posts in government service as mandated in the TNSPC rules and fill up all vacancies.
Justice R Mahadevan, disposing of a petition filed by a Scheduled Caste candidate Paramanandham who wrote the TNSPC examination in 2014, said he was eligible for appointment in the vacancies that have arisen due to non-joining or joining and leaving of selected candidates.
The judgesaid information obtained under the RTI Act would reveal there were a lot of vacancies, including in the SC category, due to leaving or non-joining of candidates.
Under the TNPSC rules, a reserve list containing not less than 25 per cent of the candidates of each group, including those in the regular list, should be published.
But the TNPSC had not published the reserve list, instead issued notification for fresh recruitment which resulted in denial of appointment of the petitioner, though he took part in the earlier selection process and was called thrice.
The Judge directed authorities to consider the candidature of the petitioner against the existing vacancies and issue appointment order if it came within the vacancy limit pursuant to the notification on February 6, 2014.
Also, the judge warned that if the present mode of recruitment continued and if any deviation was found in future, it would be viewed seriously.
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