Coming down heavily on the Tamil Nadu government, the Madras High Court today directed it and MCI to allot seats in government colleges for students of 2011-12 and 2012-13 batches of a private medical college in Tiruvallur district during the ensuing academic year 2014-15.
In his 54-page order, disposing of a batch of petitions, Justice K K Sasidharan criticised the state government and its instrumentalities for having shown "undue interest in helping the DD Medical College and Hospital in its attempt to cheat" the students.
He directed MCI to issue appropriate orders in line of earlier order of October 14, directing the government to accommodate all students of 2011-12 and 2012-13 batches in 19 government colleges in the state, to enable them to join first year MBBS course during the academic year 2014-15.
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The judge said the background gives a very clear indication that the state government and MGR Medical University have shown undue interest in helping the institution.
He said the university "ably assisted" the institution in cheating the "poor students".
"It is apparent on the face of the record that even before the satisfactory completion of the first academic year 2010-11, the state government issued a fresh essentiality certificate to increase the intake from 150 to 250 which was done even before conducting inspection by MCI," the judge said while flaying the state government and the Institution.
The judge in his order did not spare the State Health Minister, who is also the Pro-Chancellor of Medical University and the Vice-Chancellor, and said the letter sent by the University to MCI on September 15, 2012 on his behalf shows the continuous effort taken by the state to "promote the vested interest" of the institution.
"The fact the Minister for Health wanted the University to take up the issue on behalf of the institution indicates the unholy alliance," the judge said.
He said the voluminous documents produced to show active role played by the state University to help the institution make illegal admissions.
The Judge said the University without any concern for the future of the students, who were illegally admitted for the year 2011-12, caused inspection of the institution for grant of continuation of provisional affiliation for 2012-13.