The Madras High Court today directed the SP, Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption, to file a counter to a plea seeking a direction to register a case against two Block Development Officers who petitioner alleged had misappropriated panchayat funds of Rs.3.85 crore.
Justice M.Venugopal of the court's Madurai Bench gave the direction when the plea came up.
The petitioner submitted that he got the audit report of the panchayat from 2006-07 to 2013-14, through RTI, when Nagarajan and Renuka Devi were BDOs. He alleged that there was misappropriation of funds and revenue records had also revealed it.
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The Supreme Court had held that registration of FIR was mandatory in such cases. He gave the complaint on October 26 this year but no action has been taken, the petitioner claimed.