The notice has been issued against Congress MP Sandeep Dixit, BJP MP Sumitra Mahajan and two other MPs Deoraj Singh and Arvind Singh, MLAs Sunil Jaiswal, Gurusharan Singh, Chetram Manekar and Alkesh Arya as well as the MPHB. All of them have been asked to file their replies within three weeks.
A division bench of Acting Chief Justice Sushil Harkouli and Justice Alok Aradhe issued the notices on a PIL filed by two retired IPS officials of DGP rank Arun Gurtoo and Upendra Varma.
The petitioners have challenged the 20 per cent quota reserved for MPs/MLAs in the MPHB and other government agencies scheme for the allotment of a house despite owning multiple houses/plots in their names.
Advocate Siddharth Radhelal Gupta representing the petitioners said that as per the affidavits filed by these elected representatives with the Election Commission, they already have houses/plots alloted in their names in the prime locations of Bhopal developed by the MPHB.
Gupta contended that as per the rules a person is not entitled for a house or a plot in any government scheme if he already owns the one in his or his spouse name in any place of the state.
Defending the allotment, MPHB said that it is the applicant who is purely responsible for the information submitted by him/her in their applications.
However, demanding cancellation of the allotment, Gupta contended that the "fraudulent suppression" of their property details by the concerned MPs/MLAs for procuring a house in their names itself is a ground for cancelling the allotments made to such people.