The Madras High Court Bench here today directed the police to give protection to a girl student of the Madurai Kamaraj University after she complained of torture by an Assistant Professor against whom she had lodged a sexual harassment complaint.
Justice N.Kirubakaran directed the police to give protection to the girl and also register a case of sexual harassment against her teacher-cum-assistant Professor Kannan.
The girl in her petition submitted that Kannan was sending obscene SMS to her mobile phone and called her to his room and sexually harassed her.
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She lodged a police complaint about sexual harassment, the police registered a case under the IPC on August 25, 2014.
The next day some persons followed her and inflicted cut injuries on her hand and also snatched her watch and warned her against giving any complaint against Kannan who was meanwhile arrested and released on bail, she charged.
After securing bail, Kannan continued to threaten her and her family members. Some persons threw chilli power at her. She was one of the four daughters of her father who was keen on her studies despite financial constraints.
Another complaint was given against Kannan on September 3 last, she said adding she was unable to travel to the college and continue her studies peacefully.
The student said that of late some persons were warning her that acid could be thrown at her and asked her not to antagonise Kannan and forcing her to negotiate with him and amicably settle the issue.
Hence she sought police protection.