The Kerala high court today rejected the bail plea of T Fayaz, prime accused in smuggling of 20 kg of gold bars from Sharjah to Kochi through Nedumbassery airport.
Justice Thomas P Joseph accepted the plea of CBI that granting of bail will adversly affect the investigation.
Fayaz was arrested on Sept 22 from the Delhi airport on the
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charge of smuggling of 20 kg of gold bars and was slapped two cases. He was granted bail in one of the cases.
Three customs officials, including a deputy customs commissioner, are accused in the case. The officials had been granted bail earlier.
The court said investigation was in progress and bail cannot be granted to the accused at this stage.
Two purdah-clad women had tried to smuggle in the gold bars. The two along with the husband of one of them were arrested as they were about to leave the airport here. The investigation and their questioning had led the police to Fayaz.