The Allahabad High Court bench today reserved its order on a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) on the point of maintainability, seeking directions for quashing the probe report of the one-member judicial commission headed by Vishnu Sahai on 2013 Muzaffarnagar riots.
The PIL has been filed by a local journalist as well as the General Secretary of All India Muslim Council Allama Zamir Naqvi.
According to the petitioner's counsel Ashok Pandey, it was alleged that being ex-member of UP state Human Rights Commission, Sahai was not eligible to being appointed on any post by the Centre and the state government as per legal provisions.
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On behalf of the state government, the PIL was opposed saying that it was not maintainable and liable to be dismissed.
After hearing the arguments, the court reserved its order on the point of it's maintainability.
The Commission that went into the 2013 Muzaffarnagar communal riots has concluded intelligence failure and laxity on the part of police led to the violence that left 62 people dead but is silent on the role of Akhilesh Yadav government in the conflagration.