In a temporary relief for Congress's Rajya Sabha MP, KVP Ramachandra Rao, Andhra Pradesh High Court today restrained until further orders the government from proceeding with regard to the red-corner notice issued against him by the Interpol.
The Andhra Pradesh police have received the Interpol's red-corner notice - through the CBI - against Rao who has been indicted (with five others) by a US Federal Jury for receiving bribes amounting to USD 18.5 million from an American firm which got license to mine titanium in Andhra Pradesh.
Rao's lawyer, advocate Satyanarayana Prasad told reporters that the court also issued notices to the Centre, state government, CBI and CID, seeking their replies.
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"The court noted that the red-corner notice was not accompanied by any documents or details. As per the Supreme Court's guidelines, a red-corner notice must comply with Indian laws," Prasad said.
Rao has challenged the notice issued against him by the Interpol and the US government who have sought his arrest and extradition.