The Allahabad High Court has asked the Uttar Pradesh government to file a status report on criminal cases pending against MPs from the state as well as against members of the state legislative assembly and state legislative council.
A Division Bench comprising justices Arun Tandon and Sunita Agrawal passed the order on a PIL filed by advocate Ashutosh Gupta who alleged that criminal cases were pending against 36 MPs of the state, in addition to 182 MLAs and 22 MLCs.
The petitioner further alleged that the failure of the state to expeditiously decide criminal cases against the lawmakers tantamount to non-compliance of a Supreme Court order of 2014 wherein it has been laid down that trial in cases lodged against MPs, MLAs and MLCs must be decided within a year of framing of charges.
The court has fixed August 4 as the next date of hearing in the matter.