Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu, who presided over the first meeting of the newly constituted cabinet today, kept social sectors like education and health high on its agenda.
The cabinet unanimously decided to accord a holistic approach to streamline these prime sectors for welfare of the people.
"Let us make Arunachal Pradesh cent per cent literate and healthy state" the cabinet resolved, an official statement said here.
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In this regard the cabinet approved for creation of posts for establishment of an office of the deputy director of school education (DDSE) in Longding and Capital Complex.
It further directed the department to submit proposal for creation of DDSE office in all newly created districts in the state.
The cabinet gave its nod to the Arunachal Pradesh Anatomy Bill to be tabled in the ensuing Assembly session.
While the state was soon to see a new medical college and homoeopathy colleges, the decision of the cabinet would prove to be a big step forward in terms of medical education in the state, the statement said.
The cabinet approved enhancement of grade pay of drivers from the existing Rs 1,900 to Rs 2,400 and also cleared many cases of pay anomalies in various departments, which were pending for long, the statement added.