Genetic mutation alone is not responsible for increasing the chances of breast cancer in women, according to researchers who claim diet plays an equally important role in keeping the disease at bay.
Researchers at Harvard Medical School have suggested a woman who eat lots of plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables and beans, legumes, whole grains and less of red meat, processed foods, salt and sugar, has lower odds of developing estrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer.
Vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, kale, spinach, winter squash and red peppers may be particularly helpful in lowering the risk of breast cancer.
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Researchers have also found that antioxidants in peaches and plums may kill breast cancer cells while leaving normal cells unharmed.
According to the Journal of National Cancer Institute, high-fat dairy that includes whole milk, cream, cheese and ice cream create a higher risk for breast cancer.
The study also suggests that a ketogenic diet, comprising of non-starchy vegetables and healthy fats, such as avocado, coconut oil, olive oil and macadamia nuts and moderate amounts of high-quality protein, can also reduce chances of breast cancer.
Most cancers are highly responsive to therapeutic ketosis, a natural physiological state induced during prolonged states of decreased glucose in combination with calorie restriction, the study says.
In addition to all above, the study also suggests to avoid sugary drinks, limit consumption of energy-dense foods as well as those processed with sodium, shun smoking or chewing tobacco and participate in physical activity to maintain a healthy weight in order to lower the risk of breast cancer.