BJP candidate Hema Malini made a dream debut from Mathura Lok Sabha constituency defeating incumbent Jayant Chaudhary of RLD by an impressive margin of 3,30,743 votes.
The Bollywood's 'Dreamgirl' polled 5,74,451 votes against 2,43,884 votes bagged by her nearest rival candidate Jayant Chaudhary, son of RLD chief Ajit Singh.
While BSP candidate Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi stood third by polling 1,73,570 votes, SP candidate Chandan Singh could only manage to get 36,672 votes.
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While AAP candidate Anuj kumar Garg bagged 7,855 votes, 1,953 voters opted for newly introduced NOTA (None-of-the-above) option.
"She (Hema) has been given winning certificate," District Magistrate and Returning officer Vishal Chauhan said.