A businessman who was returning to Surat after collecting cash against his consignment was looted of Rs 45 lakh on the Bombay-Ahmedbad Highway, the district rural police said here today.
Police inspector N C Patil of the Walive police station told PTI that the businessmen Abhishek Mantri had the collected Rs 45 lakh from Hyderabad and reached Mumbai in a car.
At around 1.45 am early today morning after he got down from his car en route near Vasai Phata, a car came from the opposite direction and halted in front of his car.
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Four people aged between 20 years and 25 years got down from the car and attacked the merchant with an iron rod, broke open his car's dickey and fled with the suitcase containing his cash, the police said.
An offence under Section 394 read with Section 34 of the Indian Penal Code has been registered against the four and a manhunt is on, the police said.