Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh will tomorrow lay the foundation stone of a Rs 235-crore power substation at Lahal in Chamba district as part of his government's efforts to boost development in the area.
The Himachal government was committed to development of far-flung areas in the state, an official spokesperson said.
As part of efforts to accelerate development, Singh would undertake a three-day visit to Chamba and inaugurate developmental projects there, the spokesperson said.
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He said that to facilitate transmission of power of upcoming hydro-electric projects in the Ravi basin, Singh would lay the foundation stone of 33/220/400 KV substation worth Rs 235 crore at Lahal in Bharmour valley tomorrow.
This would add 630 MVA capacities to the existing system and would achieve commercial operation in June 2018, he added.
The spokesperson said other steps were being taken to meet the power demand of the valley and improve the voltage profile in the area.
The chief minister left for Chamba from Dharamshala today by road as his helicopter couldn't take off from Shimla due to bad weather.
Yesterday too, Singh had to travel by road from Shimla to Dharamshala due to similar problems. He stayed overnight at the Circuit House, Dharamshala, on way to Chamba.