Himachal Pradesh police on Wednesday sought a report from Kinnaur Superintendent of Police on allegations that he had wrongfully got a curfew pass issued to get his children back from Delhi during the lockdown
"A report has been sought from Kinnaur SP by Police Headquarters," state police spokesperson Khushal Sharma said.
"As soon it is received, will update," he said.
Congress MLA Jagat Singh Negi on Wednesday urged the chief minister to order an independent inquiry into the matter of Kinnaur superintendent of police bringing back his children from Delhi after the lockdown was imposed to check the spread of coronavirus.
The MLA alleged that the SP got the curfew pass issued from DC Gopal Chand on April 13 citing his cousin's death, but he had died about a month ago on March 18.
He used his cousin's death as an excuse to bring back to Kinnaur his stranded children from Delhi, he alleged.
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Negi dismissed the police action of seeking a report from the SP as a mere eyewash.
Earlier Kinnaur DC Gopal Chand had told PTI on Tuesday that an interstate curfew pass had been issued on April 13 to bring the children back from Delhi.
Police spokesperson Khushal Sharma had said: "As per SP Kinnaur, his cousin was murdered in Parwanoo, therefore children were brought from Delhi on emergency pass and they were residing at Delhi's Karol Bagh area which is not a red zone.
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