Hot and humid conditions continued to prevail in the national capital days after intermittent rains brought respite from the sweltering heat.
Identical to yesterday, maximum temperature settled at 43.3 degrees Celsius, four notches above normal, while the minimum temperature was recorded at 29.2 degrees Celsius, a notch above normal, MeT officials said, adding that humidity rose to over 70 per cent.
Partly cloudy sky was predicted for the rest of the day.
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"Thundery conditions could occur in some areas of the city during the later part of the day," a MeT official said.
Yesterday, maximum temperature was recorded at 43.3 degrees Celsius while the minimum was 32 degrees Celsius in the city.
Intermittent showers in the city from Thursday to Saturday last week had given Delhiites respite from the extremely hot and dry conditions which persisted from June 3 to June 9 when temperature hovered around the 45 degrees-mark. The rain, however, has caused humidity levels to increase.