After a gap of more than seven years, a circuit bench of Himachal Pradesh Administrative Tribunal will be hearing cases in Mandi for a week from tomorrow.
The tribunal, which was wound up by the previous BJP government in 2008, will start functioning from tomorrow, according to a communication received from its office.
A circuit bench would hold a sitting at Mandi in the office of Divisional Commissioner office fromNovember 16 to 21during which as many as 40 matters already listed will be heard while more are expected to be filed.
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Earlier, aggrieved parties had to move to Himachal Pradesh High Court for adjudication of service mattersbut they can now filethese cases at Mandi.
According to a source at the tribunal office, the tribunal will hold circuit benches every alternative month for a week at Mandi and Dharamshalatill March 2016, after which they will beheld every month.
The HP Administrative Tribunal started functioning onSeptember 1, 1986 and afterwards it stated holding circuit benches at Mandi and Dharamshala. The tribunal, however, was abolished on July 8, 2008
Employee and Bar Associations from different parts of Mandi zonehave welcomed the decision of tribunal to hold its circuit benches at Mandi and Dharmashala and further demanded that permanent benches be set up at zonal level.