The Centre has allotted a sum of Rs 72.27 crore to Himachal Pradesh under National Agricultural Development Scheme for development of the state's agriculture sector in the current fiscal.
Out of this amount, Rs 58.21 crore would be spent on new and special schemes while expenditure of Rs 14.06 crore would be incurred on strengthening of ongoing schemes and development of resources, Director of Agriculture, J C Rana said.
A provision of Rs 6.5 crore has been made for promotion of organic farming, Rs 6.7 crore under Adarsh Krishi Gram Yojana, Rs 4.16 core on integrated crop diversification by vegetable production and Rs 5 crore for irrigation sector.
The state agriculture department would function as nodal agency for implementation of this scheme and Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, Agricultural Research and Education departments would also be entitled to get financial assistance under the scheme, Rana said.