The Himachal Pradesh High Court today directed the state chief secretary to ensure all officers, who have been arrayed as respondents in contempt petitions or who have to remain present before it, to seek exemption or its permission before going out of the state.
The court also made it clear that any deviation shall be viewed seriously.
A division bench comprising Chief Justice Mansoor Ahmad Mir and Justice Tarlok Singh Chauhan passed these orders on a contempt petition filed by Pratibha Kaushik, who alleged that her pensionary benefits had not been released by the education department in spite of directions issued by the high court in this regard.
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She also claimed that the court had ordered payment of interest of 9 per cent within eight weeks on September 24, 2014.
When her pensionary benefits were not released by the education department, she preferred a contempt petition before the high court which directed the respondent to comply with the judgment dated September 24, 2014 within six weeks.
Despite the direction, the orders of the court were not complied with by the department till date and the petitioner filed the contempt petition.
The court said on previous date, it had directed R D Dhiman, Secretary, (Education) to appear in person before it on October 4 but the respondent was not present stating he was out of station.
During hearing, the court wondered how he had gone outside the state without seeking exemption or permission of the court.
It was expression of the court that the officers of the state are either at Delhi or going abroad for tours or trainings and are not remaining present before the court on the date fixed.
The matter was then listed for further hearing on November 21.
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