Presiding over a high-level meeting, Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal said that connecting the religious shrines in the state by rail and road would give a boost to religious tourism.
"Himachal happens to be the abode of god and goddesses. Some important Gurdwaras are located in the state and linking them would facilitate Sikhs and other devotees," he said.
Since the famous gurdwara in Una had been connected with broad gauge railway line, routing the Amritsar-bound trains via Una would add a new dimension to religious tourism, Dhumal said.
Similarly, Sikh devotees would benefit if the proposed special train, popularly known as 'Panj Takht Yatra,' was routed through the state.
He said that possibilities to connect another historic Sikh shrine at Paonta Sahib by extending the railway line from Ambala and onward to Dehradun also needs to be explored.
Himachal was emerging as a "most favoured tourist destination" and over 1.50 crore tourists, including 4.85 lakh foreign visitors, came to the state last year, he said.
Arun Sharma, Director of Tourism and Civil Aviation, said new promotion activities for the sector included launching the second phase of 'Har Goan Ki Kahani' under which 12 more tourism circuits would be developed.