Two Himachal Pradesh ministers today lashed out at Leader of Opposition Prem Kumar Dhumal for his comment against Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, saying the BJP leader's statements were aimed at diverting people's attention from the "misdeeds" allegedly committed by him and his son.
In a joint statement issued here today, they said it seemed that the wrongs "committed" by BJP leaders during their tenure were haunting them and accused Dhumal of resorting to "malicious" propaganda against the state government to mislead investigating agencies.
Asserting that the Chief Minister did not believe in pursuing politics of vendetta, they said "Dhumal was trying to portray himself as a victim of vendetta before people to gain their sympathy but it would not work."
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The ministers said HPCA had betrayed the trust of the people and there was no transparency in its functioning.
Alleging that Dhumal only served the personal interest of his son while making land allotment to HPCA, they said it seems the former Chief Minister was using the entire state BJP and the HPCA to politically establish his son Anurag Thakur.
The ministers alleged that the HPCA was being run as a captive organisation by Anurag who has assumed supreme powers in the association.
They said investigation in the case of HPCA headed by Anurag was being carried as per the orders of the Court.